It is located in the suburb of Otahuhu and is a co-educational school. The school is built in a gully on the southern side of Mangere Road.There is a semicircular lawn in the front of the school surrounded by palm trees, with two flagpoles.Otahuhu College is neighbour to Auckland's largest private secondary school King's College.Otahuhu College has four houses,Each houses is controlled by a House Leader, and each house has a Head Boy, Head Girl and a Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy. The Four houses are named after ex New Zealand Prime Ministers and Governors
Hobson:Named after an Governor William Hobson
Grey:Named after an Governor George Grey
Massey:Named after an Prime Minister William Massey
SeddonNamed after an Prime Minister
Once a Tamatane always a Tamatane
Insert sentence
Address: 74 - 78 Mangere Road, Otahuhu, Manukau 1640
Postal Address: Private Bag 93317, Otahuhu, Manukau 1640
Phone Number: (09) 963 4000
Fax Number: (09) 963 4099
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